You want to deck out the patio to create an inviting place to entertain or simply just create a little haven of your own. Regardless of whether you have live in a mansion or an apartment, it certainly helps to be prepared before opening your wallet! Here are just a few tips on how to choose the best patio furniture for your home.


There is a big bad world of offering out there, from the tacky cheap through to the insanely expensive. If like most mortals you are dictated by price, then we suggest you have a clear budget in mind. Knowing what you can and are willing to spend, will help you really home in on the patio furniture brands you can afford and that styles that suit your tastes. Don’t compromise on quality for price. Likewise, don’t naturally assume that a piece is better simply because it is more expensive.

Purpose of your Patio Furniture

Sounds obvious right? But what purpose are you trying to serve with your outdoor furniture? Do you like to entertain? Or do you prefer time by yourself with a good book? If it’s the former, then you need to ensure you outdoor setting is enough to comfortable accommodate your guests, they also need to be comfortable and easy to clean. If your purpose is to create a haven just for you, then a singular sun lounger may be the perfect choice for your purpose.

Where will you place your pieces?

Are you looking for pieces that will be placed in direct sunlight, uneven terrain or to place on a balcony with limited real estate? If you need poolside chairs that will be in constant sunlight, then we suggest you ensure you are purchasing products with UV protection. For uneven terrain, you should invest in furniture which remains firm on the ground … our sun loungers are perfect for such environments.

If you are looking for furniture to place where space is limited, then a piece that is versatile yet stylish will help you create a simply beautiful space. For example, our Bora Bora Chairs coupled with an outdoor ottoman will provide you with a comfortable seat along with a footrest or side table.

Take measurements

It is so easy to get consumed with gorgeous marketing material, but before you get sucked in and buy that large outdoor couch, make sure you take down some measurements. Trust us, visual estimates often fail dismally, so be prepared before you hit the online stores and understand the space you are working with.

It really is so easy to create paradise in your own backyard, simply taking the time to find the right products to suit your needs will be the difference between purchasing something you are only mildly happy with, to a space that you can’t wait to come home to!

Outdoors with Mooi Living

Mooi Living has recently expanded our outdoor furniture range. With new outdoor pieces perfect for patios, balconies and poolside. Made from quality fabrics that are mould and water resistant. View our range online today.

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